Monday 22 December 2014

Tutorial: Christmas Tree Nails!

I am really not as good as I'd hoped at this whole updating my blog regularly thing, SORRY.

Anyway, the important bit is that my nails are really quite fabulous and were genuinely incredibly easy, hence of course, I have to share them. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of compliments I got on these, and they require so, so little skill or expertise - no need for fancy tools either.
So, without further ado, here's my guide to gorgeous Christmas nails.

You will need:

  • Red nail polish (can use another background if you like, I just thought red was Christmas-y)
  • Green nail polish
  • Glittery nail polish
  • Gold gems/stars/sequins
  • Topcoat/clear nail polish
How to:
  • Paint your nails red, base coat optional.

  • Once the red has completely dried (I waited 24 hours) tape over your nails leaving a triangle exposed (I used a dry wipe marker to make dots to ensure the triangles were all as tall/wide as I wanted and to make sure they were equal, and decided not to do my thumb as it's not the same shape).

  • Paint green polish over all the exposed nail, overlapping the tape.

  • Add a glittery top coat on top of the green (stripes or dots may also work, but I think glittery polish is easiest).

  • Once your nails are dry, remove the tape and admire those perfectly neat lines. Hell yeah. 
  • Add topcoat or use clear varnish (or nail glue, if you have it, which I don't) to adhere gems/sequins to the top of each 'tree' (I recommend using tweezers, this bit is the most fiddly). You could also draw on the 'star' with gold nail pens or even a gold sharpie if need be.
Et voila! Beautifully Christmas-y nails. Add some top coat to make sure it stays in place till the big day, and let the awed and jealous compliments roll in.

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